As Above, So Below

The principle of “As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without” is one of the core beliefs of Wicca and some other pagan faiths. “As Above, So Below” describes the relationship between ourselves and the Universe. It means that the universe reflects what we do and we reflect the way the universe behaves. “As Within, So Without” means that the way we think becomes the way we act, and the way we act affects the universe as a whole.

These two principles describe the reason that rituals and magic work. Just as the universe affects our lives, we can affect the universe through our focused willpower. Rituals help gather the energy used to affect the universe.

The original purpose of a coven was probably to increase the amount of power gathered for their purposes. This can also be accomplished via drumming, chanting, or any other group activity. The energy of a sports area or rock concert is a prime example of a group raising energy. This energy usually dissipates harmlessly after the event ends.

The difference between a ritual and these types of energy raising is that in a ritual, the energy is directed toward a specific purpose. The principle behind a ritual is to align the microcosm of the ritual space with the macrocosm of the universe. This is done by focusing the wills of the ritual participants.

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