Creating a Sacred Space

Before you do any ritual work as a pagan, you should learn how to create a sacred space. A sacred space is a private area that is cleansed, purified, and consecrated for ritual or magical purposes. If you are able to find a dedicated area where you can create a permanent sacred space, that is wonderful. Most of us, however, create sacred space temporarily and release the connection afterward.

A sacred space can be anything from a building or huge outside space to a small corner of a room or yard. Wherever it is that you can find peace and privacy, you can create a sacred space. There are four steps to preparing a sacred space:

1. Prepare your inner sacred space

There are many ways to create a tranquil space in your mind. Meditation, smoke cleansing, and grounding and centering are all methods that can help you have a tranquil mind.

2. Cleanse the Space

Remove all clutter from the area. Scrub or polish the area you will be working in. Make the area as clean as possible. If you have any, use empowered cleaning supplies or a magical cleansing wash. Only after the space is clean should you add whatever tools you plan on using in your ritual.

3. Purify the Space

This is driving out negative or ritual-adverse energies from your sacred space. This can be done by smoke cleansing the space, sprinkling salt, or aspurging with salt water. You can also do this with energetic cleansing, like visualizing white light or using Reiki.

4. Consecrate the Sacred Space

This step is what makes a sacred space sacred. You are empowering the space for a specific purpose. This can be done by invoking specific gods, by calling the elements, or by channeling earth and sky energy into the sacred space.

Although it is not necessarily needed, you can cast a circle at this point. Most simple rituals do not require this. Casting a circle creates a space between worlds, which helps create effects for magical purposes. Unlike a circle, which should be released after it is used, a sacred space can be left standing.

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