Tennets of Paganism (as I believe in it)

There are hundreds, if not thousands of pagan belief systems. To attempt to define them all as holding similar beliefs is virtually impossible. Here are the Tennets of Paganism, as I believe in it.

A belief in multiple Gods and Goddesses

My belief in Gods and Goddesses is somewhat complex: I am a polytheistic Pantheist.

I believe that the Universe is conscious, interconnected, and can be affected by our will. I call the entirety of the universe the One. All Gods and Goddesses are aspects of the One. Every God and Goddess from every belief system exists, and all can have some effect on our lives if we allow it. We use these Gods and Goddesses to understand and affect different aspects of the One.

I also believe that the universe is a balance of opposites. For every positive aspect, there is a negative aspect, and only when these aspects are balanced is life possible. Even as this is true, every aspect is only a small piece of the One.

A belief in the Threefold Law and the Pagan Rede

I believe that there is an absolute law of the universe that whatever you project, you get back threefold. This idea leads naturally to a belief in the ethical rule that is the Pagan Rede: “Do what you will, but know what you do.” I try to minimize harm, but “no harm” is impossible in the deeply interconnected universe. I always try to send out positive energy, but there is also an aspect of “don’t f*ck with me” – allowing harm to yourself helps no one.

A belief in the Wheel of the Year and the Lunar Cycle

The Wheel of the Year represents the solar progression of the seasons. The changing of the seasons is marked by the Sabbats. I celebrate each of the Sabbats each year. The Lunar Cycle is representative of female power and is celebrated with Esbats on each new moon and full moon.

A belief in reincarnation and Summerland

Life is an eternal cycle of death and rebirth. The principle of “As Above, So Below” tells us that this cycle is likely to apply to us as well. After death, we rejoin with the One and define our own afterlife. This is through reincarnation or “retirement” in Summerland. Unlike most afterlives, you can return from Summerland at any time, either as a spirit or to be reincarnated.

Respect for nature and reverence of nature

Part of the belief that we are all connected means we are connected to all the animals and plants around us. We should remember at all times that we are interconnected, and have respect for the natural world around us.

Belief in and use of Magic

I believe that magic exists and we can use it to make our lives better. This is not just about improving our financial or romantic lives, but about improving ourselves and the world around us.

Rituals to improve yourself should be done regularly. We all have flaws and we have all made mistakes. I perform a daily ritual where I honor my mistakes, try to adjust my thinking so they do not happen again, and work to minimize the flaws in my personality.

I also perform rituals in honor of the Gods and Goddesses. These are usually done on the Esbats and Sabbats. I honor my patron Goddess, Eris, and all other Gods and Goddesses that have touched my life.

Finally, I cast spells to improve lives whenever it is needful. One of my favorites is the Freezing Spell, which blocks negative people out of your life. I believe in casting spells for many purposes, even some “selfish” purposes. This is because I believe that you must care for yourself before you are able to care for others. It’s the same reason first responders need to stay healthy.

A belief that there is no “one true way”

Just because this is what I believe, it doesn’t mean it should be what you believe. One of the most powerful ideas in Discordianism is “Think for yourself”. Just because you believe something, it doesn’t mean everyone should believe the same thing.

One result of this belief is that I do not proselytize. I will share my beliefs if someone is interested, but I do not go out of my way to introduce others to my beliefs.

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