Smoke Cleansing

Smoke cleansing, sometimes called smudging, is a method of spiritually cleansing a sacred space or an individual. This is done by wafting the smoke from burning herbs or resins around the area or person being cleansed. The energy of the herbs clears the aura where the smoke passes.

Why not call it smudging?

Many pagans call this practice smudging, but some feel that using this term is cultural appropriation. Smudging is a sacred Native American practice. While the details vary from tribe to tribe, almost all involve smoke cleansing among other rituals. By using the term “smudging” in place of “smoke cleansing”, we may be minimizing and disrespecting Native American tribes.

Some popular herbs and resins used in smoke cleansing include:

  • Sage
    • White Sage
    • Black Sage
    • Mountain Sage
    • Culinary Sage
  • Palo Santo
  • Basil
  • Lavender
  • Frankincense and Myrrh
  • Copal
  • Cedar
  • Tobacco
  • Rosemary

Ethically sourcing white sage and Palo Santo

The most popular smoke-cleansing herbs are white sage and Palo Santo. Unfortunately, the popularity of these herbs has led to unethical and unsustainable harvesting processes. If you would like to use these herbs, do your homework and only use those that are sustainably harvested.

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