Casting a Circle

A circle is a special space that is created for ritual and magical use. A circle is cast in an existing sacred space. A circle has three purposes: creating a space between the worlds, defending against distractions, and protecting from negative energies.

Creating a space between worlds is important for rituals in which you are trying to make changes to the world, such as casting spells or drawing down the moon. This space between worlds is partly in the human world and partly in the spirit world. This space allows you to more easily manipulate magical energies.

Once the circle is raised, it will help defend against distractions from the outside world. If you have chosen an appropriately private space, the circle ensures that outside-world distractions will not find you. This power is limited, however, and if you choose too public of a space, distractions will find you.

The circle also protects from negative energies from both worlds. There are some that believe there are no negative energies in the spirit world, but spirits are still people, and some of them are angry, mischievous, or just plain evil. Having protection against this is vital, especially when manipulating energies to change the physical world. Some negative entities will attempt to use the energy you raise for their own purposes if you do not have this protection.

How to cast a circle

Draw a circle of the appropriate size on the ground. Sizes can range from a few feet for a solitary worker to yards wide for a large group. Some of the traditional sizes are 13 feet wide, 9 feet wide, and 26 feet wide (made by measuring with a 13 foot cord).

Use a wand or athame to focus the energy to cast your circle. Working clockwise, walk around the perimeter of the circle, focusing your energy into creating a circle of protection. Walk the perimeter again, raise the energy into a dome over the circle. Finally walk the circle a third time casting the circle into the ground, making the dome a sphere.

You can then anchor the circle by calling on the power of the four elements. Agin working clockwise, face the four directions east, south, west and north. As you face each direction, call on its element to aid you in your work. Usually the elements are connected to the directions as follows:

  • East is ruled by Earth
  • South is ruled by Fire
  • West is ruled by water
  • North is ruled by Air

If you have learned a different correspondence for the elements, feel free to use that instead. The fact is that all the elements are everywhere. You should use the correspondences that feel most comfortable for you.

Once you have cast a circle, you should not enter or exit the sacred space. If you do so without proper preparation, you could break the circle and lose the energy you have invested in it. If you absolutely must exit the circle, follow the instructions below for exiting and entering a cast circle.

Variations on casting a circle

Turning in place

Rather than walking the perimeter of the circle, you can cast the energy through your hands, athame, or wand while standing in the middle of the circle. Focus on the energy the same way you would if you were walking the perimeter, but turn slowly in place clockwise, starting in the north.

Skipping the Elements

While it is traditional to call the elements, it is not always necessary. Some pagan traditions eliminate calling the elements entirely.

Elements Only

It is possible to create a circle using elemental energies. In this method, turn in place, calling on each element to raise the circle. As always, it is best to work clockwise, starting in the north.

Pure Energy

It’s also possible, though challenging, to create a circle without motion, words, or tools. I will often use this method for creating a circle quickly. You must focus your energy and visualize creating a circle. Do this by visualizing a ball of energy in your hands, then allowing it to expand to the width of the circle you require.

Exiting and entering a cast circle

If you have an athame or a consecrated sword, you can cut an opening in the circle. Using the blade, cut an opening clockwise in the circle where you plan to exit. Use this opening to exit the circle and re-enter it. When you are done, close the doorway by visualizing the energy returning while you retrace the doorway with your blade, working counterclockwise.

If you lack these tools, you can open the circle using your hands. Using both hands held together, gently press into the circle. Spread your hands apart, visualizing the energy of the circle parting like a curtain. Exit through this gap, and reenter the same way. Close the curtain behind you by reversing your hand motions and visualizing the energy returning to its original state.

Dismissing a Circle

Unlike a sacred space, a circle should be taken down after its purpose has been fulfilled. To take down a circle, you should essentially reverse the process you used to create the circle. Work counterclockwise to take down your circle. You should channel any excess energy back into the earth. This is called grounding.

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