How Magic Works

Magic is the application of will to affect reality. In magic, you have a specific goal, and take steps toward making that goal manifest. A wide variety of pagans use magic, but the most common method published today is the Wiccan method. We will address the Wiccan method but understand that there are many variations within Wicca and even more in other pagan religions.

Prayer and magic are similar, but not identical. In prayer, you invoke a divine entity to reach your goals or give thanks. In magic, you are raising energy yourself and directing it to your goals. In Wicca, there is often a crossover between these two concepts, with spells that incorporate calling on appropriate gods and goddesses.

When you cast a spell, you are setting the energy of the universe into action. Your will is reflected on the spiritual plane, and the spiritual plane begins to be reflected by the physical plane. The basic process of magic follows the following steps:

  1. Establish your desire: You need to know what you really want in order to be able to direct energy toward it. This really is the most important part of spellcasting: you need to know what you want well enough to visualize and describe it. If you do not know your goal, or if you have only a vague idea of what your goal is, you will have a hard time composing a spell that will bring that goal to fruition.
  2. Compose your spell: You should take the time to prepare for your spell, including deciding how your ritual will proceed. Decide what, if any, gods or goddesses you will be calling on. Gather and prepare any components your spell may require. Decide on what day and under which aspect of the moon you will be performing the spell. You may also want to check the astrological charts to verify that there are no conflicting signs or planets.
  3. Shift your consciousness: You must be in the proper frame of mind before casting your spell or performing any other ritual. You need to create a still place in your mind, much like if you were meditating. This allows you to prevent surface thoughts and day-to-day concerns from interfering with the goals you are trying to achieve. This is often called an alpha state, a deep state of waking relaxation.
  4. Raise energy and direct it towards your goal: This is the part where you actually perform the ritual. First, you should create a sacred space, then cast a circle. Once you have readied your circle, you should raise energy, then use your ritual to direct that energy toward your goal. Remember to ground any excess energy and dismantle the circle when you are finished.
  5. Manifest: The final step in magic is seeing your desires manifest in the real world. Your ritual affects the spiritual world, which in turn will gradually affect the physical world.

Remember, when you cast a spell, you are putting a great deal of energy out into the universe. Remember that due to the threefold law, what you send out you receive back. For this reason, it is important not to send out negative energy unless it is absolutely necessary.

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