I am Stephen Fabal, and I am a bookkeeping professional. Having said that, you should ask: “Why should I pay any attention to this guy?”
I first became pagan in 1992. I began my practice as a solitary in high school. I was first initiated into an eclectic Wiccan tradition in 1996. I have been openly practicing Solitary Paganism since 1998. I have studied many different forms of Wicca and several other pagan religions. I am a registered minister with the Universal Life Church.
Since about 2010, I have let my practices in paganism slip. It was a rough time in my life. I was suffering from depression and anxiety among other issues. Both my physical and mental health went downhill. I suffered a back injury that left me unable to work for several months at a time.
I have since recovered to a large extent. I am now renewing my education in Wicca and Paganism and returning to my magical and spiritual practices. This website is about my understanding of the various practices of Wicca and Paganism as I practice it.
I have never taken any vows of secrecy or anything similar, so I do not believe that I am violating anyone’s trust by sharing this information. Having said that, I will protect the privacy of my teachers and other practitioners by not revealing any of their names on this site without their express permission.