List of Pagan Religions

Neo-Pagan Religions These are earth-based religions that are influenced by mostly European tribal mythologies. Wicca Gardnerian Wicca Alexandrian Wicca Seax-Wicca Feri Tradition Dianic Wicca Reclaiming Tradition Eclectic Wicca Druidism Aasatru Strega Shamanism Tribal Religions There are hundreds of these religions, existing wherever there are native peoples in the world. These include Native American, Australian and…

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A Brief History of Wicca

The history of Wicca begins with a book published by Margaret Murray in 1921. The Witch-Cult in Western Europe explored the idea of a goddess cult that has existed since pre-Christian times in Europe. Although there is little to no evidence to support her theory, the idea of witch persecution during medieval times remains a…

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Paganism Definition

The broadest definition of paganism is “any religion not in the Abrahamic tradition” – in other words, anything not Jewish, Muslim, or Christian. This broad definition includes established religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Shinto as well as tribal religions around the world. It also includes a vast array of “new religions” like Voodoo, Santeria (sort…

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